
Second-hand laptop grade classification difference

Liu Tao Jason

Compare with those brand-new electronic products, prices of secondhand equipment are mostly depend on their appearances. In order to discriminate the appearances on every kind of equipment, we listed some appearance comparison photos all the way from grade A-D as below. Hopefully these photos would give you some reference on your purchase. Basically, the most important factors on differentiate the appearance grades are as follow. Appearances(including case, palm rest, keyboard and bottom cap.). Screen status and whether the screen is defective. Hardware status, such as interfaces, battery charging, keyboard and mouse.
Appearances(Grade A: slightly used mark/abrasion. Grade B: small scratches/abrasion. Grade C: multiple scratches and worn. Grade D: case cracks/deform/badly scratches.)
Screen(Grade A: perfect display and flawless. Grade B: perfect display and flawless. Grade C: small scratches or bright spots. Grade D: may have scratches or cracks.)
Function(Grade A: all hardware, sockets, normal status. Grade B: all hardware, sockets, normal status. Grade C: all hardware, sockets, normal status. Grade D: can be turned on but some parts may not work normally.)



  • 分类
  • 等级
  • 成色
  • 外壳